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Pre-Professional Curriculum for BA/MS Program
Each student in the Pre-Professional phase of the PA program must take the all of the following within their first four semesters:
Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
General Chemistry I & II
Organic Chemistry I
Medical Ethics
Introduction to Psychology
Biostatistics and Experimental Design or Statistics
Two units selected from the following:
Additionally, students must fulfill the general education courses that all Wagner College students are required to take in the topics of writing, english literature, history, speech, technological competency, humanities, social sciences, and the arts.
Apart from academics, students must also fulfill community service and volunteering hours while also participating in other miscellaneous activities such as walks, donation drives, and Project Sunshine.
Project Sunshine
Project Sunshine is a non-profit organization that allows Wagner students to interact and engage with medically challenged children and their families. The organization provides free education and recreational programs with volunteers having the opportunity to play and brighten the days of the struggling children there. This allows the students in the Pre-Professional phase to acknowledge the warm privilege in helping people and making a difference in their lives. It has been a staple in our program for many years and is one of the many ways our pre-professional phase PA students get involved.

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